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About this online certificate


The Online Certificate in Psychological First Aid for Migrants, Refugees, and Displaced
Persons, surges as a response to the increasing need around the world to effectively address the psychological necessities of mobile populations. It provides theoretical and practical tools to comprehensively serve migrants, given the psychosocial challenges presented by the pandemic during 2020 and the years to come.
Participants will share information and experiences with peers from different regions of Mexico, the United States, Central and South America, and Europe. Most already working with migrants in all phases of the migratory journey; transit, return, origin, and destination, as well as asylum seekers and those with forced displacement.


English Version: August 17 to December 21, 2020

Spanish version: August 5 to December 9, 2020

This nineteen-weeks certificate will be offered in English and in Spanish. The topics are the same, but the dates for each language are slightly different.

Si está interesado en tomar el diplomado en español, por favor dirijase a la sección


General objectives

The 6th Edition of the Online Certificate in Psychological First Aid for Migrants, Refugees, and Displaced Persons, Psychosocial Challenges in Times of Pandemic, seeks to offer a space to reflect, provide tools, and share social networks. From the perspective of communities and civil society organizations, the goal is to identify good practices and add to the public agenda of dignity and human rights for all.

Specific objectives

  • To reflect on issues such as the humanitarian crisis within the context of international migration, the refugee status, and forced displacement, which have grown more acute due to COVID-19.

  • To make visible the most common expressions of discrimination -racism and xenophobia- and their impacts on migrants, refugees, and displaced populations.

  • To offer psychological tools to face the different dimensions of migration, refugees, and forced displacement in the current situation.

  • To identify risk behaviors of migrants, refugees, and displaced persons from a human rights perspective and channel them to the relevant care services.

  • To create a culture of self-care and care of the teams working with migrants, refugees, and displaced persons.

  • To spread the advances of the social fabric that has been built through humanitarian networks so that a new human rights agenda is developed.

Intended audience

This certificate is aimed for community leaders, activists, public health and healthcare providers, government officials, members of international organizations, diplomats, students, and anyone interested in the issue of migrants' mental health. 


  • Biopolitics: its social effects to keep moving forward

  • The faces of discrimination

  • Another care is possible: Promoting changes with psychosocial tools

  • Basic psychosocial intervention tools

  • Creation of social networks to set a new agenda

To view the complete schedule of sessions in English please see the Schedule


The English version of the online certificate will be taught in an "asynchronous" modality. Participants will access pre-recorded presentations, dubbed from Spanish into English, according to the established calendar. Each week two new classes will be released, and participants will be able to watch them any time within the week. Each class is between 2 to 3 hours long.

Virtual activities

Participants will have access to a virtual classroom where they can find the recorded sessions, as well as to carry out online activities (forums, chats, case studies, readings, etc.). The virtual learning platform will be monitored by a facilitating team that includes experts on migration and virtual education.

Technical/IT Requirements

  • An email account (preferably Gmail)

  • High-speed internet connection (at least 4MB/S dedicated for streaming)

  • Google Chrome (up-to-date version)

To assure you have all the required technological requirementes, please click on the following link: 



$150 US Dollars 

Last day to register for English classes is August 12, 2020.


If you register before July 15, 2020, you will obtain a 20% discount.
If you register before
July 24, 2020, you will obtain a 10% discount.

Contact information

  • Stephany Pizano
    Health Initiative of the Americas

  • Azyadeth Adame
    Academic Coordinator
    Iniciativa Ciudadana

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