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Nicté Castañeda

She is a Doctor in Social Sciences, with a specialty in Sociology from the University of Guadalajara. National Researcher Level I by the National System of Researchers (SNI). Profile Prodep. Professor-researcher, University of Guadalajara, University Center for Administrative Economic Sciences. Leader-responsible for the Academic Body: Body, Mobility and institutions. Research lines: Youth, imaginary and representations of mobility, Return migration and health care. Collaborator of the Health Initiative of the Americas, University of California, Berkeley. Recent projects: Right to health of returned Mexican migrants: challenges, barriers, actions and opportunities in collaboration with PIMSA and COLMEX; Central American migration in Mexico and in transit to the United States. His academic production includes the book: Urban Youth and Migration to the United States. Social and imaginary capital. Book chapters such as: Migration, vulnerability and health: Mexican youth in the United States; Binational programs for health empowerment of Latina immigrant women in the United States; Migratory stress and mental health in adolescent and young adult Mexican immigrants living in the United States: contextualizing acculturation among others. Recent Scientific Articles: 2019 Young Mexican Migrants in the United States: A Context of Vulnerability, Exclusion, and Racialization and Pregnancy and Motherhood: Perceptions of Young Women in a Binational Mexico-United States Context.

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