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In the second half of 2014 and early 2015, a series of in-depth interviews and direct consultations were carried out from different institutions that work directly with people in mobility and subject to international protection in the United States - Mexico - Central America region as ecclesial institutions, communities, shelters, hometown clubs, human rights defenders, migrants in transit, deported and / or accented already in the country (destination), academic institutions at the local, national and international level, as well as government representatives in their different levels.

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This cycle of consultations had the objective of identifying the mental health problems and challenges faced by civil, governmental and international institutions that directly and indirectly serve migrants, refugees and displaced persons, placing emphasis on the training needs of the people. that interact in them. These consultation exercises were also applied taking into account the various contextual realities, as well as the psychological care they received / provided and what would be the ideal content according to their particularities.

Finally, an exhaustive bibliographic review was made, as well as of other similar exercises in the continent. Thus was forged the first curricular program of the Diploma. This is how the curriculum of the Diploma came about.

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Since its inception, it was focused on Psychological First Aid because, in the institutions of direct care for people in mobility and subject to international protection, the profiles of the professionals who accompany them are very diverse and sometimes through from the theory and / or from the practice of their daily work, they have been adjusting processes and forms of intervention.

Psychological First Aid is a form of crisis intervention that anyone with the proper training can provide, regardless of whether they are not a mental health professional. The Diploma also invites reflection on the questioning of reality from a perspective of self-care and collective care. Being of help to be able to strengthen these processes, as well as to develop other intervention capacities that perhaps for people due to their professional and / or practical training have not been deepened.

In the Diploma, there are good and innovative practices from the institutions that participate year after year; translated into the construction and / or strengthening of psychosocial intervention projects, which only reinforce the models that have already been developed in a more systematic way or through practice and that are constantly being adjusted.

This model also makes visible and promotes strategic alliances, as well as questions those practices and guidelines of the institutions that are pioneers in the subject, which perhaps were relevant in another historical moment, but which currently have to be transformed.

First and second edition

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At the conclusion of the first edition in 2015, it was confirmed that the contents were consistent with what people needed in their daily work with populations in vulnerable situations, especially migrants (origin, transit, destination and return / deportation), applicants for the refugee status or already recognized refugees and their families. This was demonstrated with the broad participation both in the face-to-face sessions, the virtual platform and in the continuous evaluations before, during and after its implementation. For the second version, in addition to spending much more time on the topics of self-care, care of the equipment, interview techniques and in general providing, in greater depth, tools for basic psychosocial intervention, there was also a reinforcement so that the contents were They will focus on children, adolescents, youth and women, especially those who are victims of violence, expanding the curriculum to teach specific classes to address these issues.

Third and fourth edition

Tercera y cuarta

In the third edition, given the different crises in refugee and forced displacement issues in the world, but especially in the continent (United States, Mexico, Central and South America), it was necessary to expand a large number of classes to reflect on this topic, as well as the current scenario with the coming to power of Donald Trump from xenophobia to the population in mobility and on the other hand the activation and / or visibility of networks of civil society, academia and governments at different levels, to counter this offensive. In the fourth edition, in addition to addressing the topics included in past versions, due to the close link between discrimination and violence against children, adolescents and women, we emphasized these disparities, including them as part of the backbone of the Diploma.


Fifth edition

Quinta edición

In the fifth edition of the Diploma implemented in 2019, our approach was to make visible the transnational solidarity networks that work in support and defense of the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people, as well as those that have been unleashed as a result of migratory exoduses. . Another of the peculiarities of the fifth edition was that for the first time it was broadcast in the Anglo-Saxon language for non-speakers, especially for the public from the United States.

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Sexta edición

Background Sixth Edition

From the second edition on, webinars, seminars, courses and workshops began to be implemented at the request of graduates, with a broad willingness to implement them from the academic body of the Diploma.

This evolution led to the implementation of the Seminar on Psychological First Aid for Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons, an exercise aimed at people of the public function at the municipal, state and federal level, emphasizing the differences in the work and in the conditions in which they lead carry out their work, depending on the institutional space in which people are located.

Background Sixth Edition

Séptima edición

From the second edition on, webinars, seminars, courses and workshops began to be implemented at the request of graduates, with a broad willingness to implement them from the academic body of the Diploma.

This evolution led to the implementation of the Seminar on Psychological First Aid for Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons, an exercise aimed at people of the public function at the municipal, state and federal level, emphasizing the differences in the work and in the conditions in which they lead carry out their work, depending on the institutional space in which people are located.

Antecedentes octava edición

Antecedentes octava edición


Dentro de los contextos sociales adversos, la labor de los diversos organismos de la sociedad civil—incluyendo a las instituciones eclesiales, comunitarias, albergues, clubes de oriundos e instituciones académicas de distintos niveles—ha sido protagonista en la destinación de recursos y la implementación de estrategias innovadoras que buscan minimizar los impactos de las cambiantes problemáticas migratorias. Es por esta razón que la octava edición del Diplomado tendrá un enfoque especial en los temas de los retos de la integración social ante la diversidad cultural y lingüística, la importancia de la cooperación entre actores dedicados a la ayuda humanitaria, y el énfasis en la necesidad de lograr una coexistencia  social y comunitaria pacífica.

The Diploma has been transformed year after year in accordance with the new winds of mobility in the region, both to be at the height of the new circumstances that reality implies, and so that the participating organizations can strengthen their advocacy work. of human rights and consolidate action networks after this academic year ends.


In these six years, the Diploma in Psychological First Aid for Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons, as well as its derivative exercises, have trained more than 2,800 people in 20 countries of the world and three continents: America, Europe and Africa.


These people are from the following countries:

  • South America: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Venezuela.

  • Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.

  • North America: Mexico and the United States.

  • Europe: Spain, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands.

  • Africa: Botswana.

People who have completed the Diploma, enter a specialized network at the continental level of psychosocial care. A network that is still alive and active in the current health contingency, sharing information, as well as practical exercises available to the community, with clear strategies to mitigate anxiety, stress and depression exacerbated by our current context.


In addition, this Diploma has been convened and sponsored by Puente Ciudadano, Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue, UNAM - Los Angeles, the Health Initiative of the Americas of the University of California, Berkeley, the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, the Atenea Network: Psychological and Psychosocial Support Network for Immigrants in Extreme Situations, the Virtual Migrantologists Network, the Jorge Durand Chair of the University of Guadalajara, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), Catolics Relief Services (CRS), Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP), Corporativa de Fundaciones, the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, the National Distance State University of Costa Rica, the Casa del Migrante de Saltillo, the Casa del Migrante de Tijuana, the Casa Refugiados Program , the Casa Monarca, the Exodus Migrant Attention Center, the Marist Support Center for Migrants, the Saint Antony Community Hospital, the Collective “Migración s in Fronteras ”, the Hostel La Sagrada Familia and Un Mundo, Una Nación, among other institutions.

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