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Dr. Andrea Bautista León

Doctor in Applied Demography from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She is currently Co-Principal Investigator in the project "Return Migration and Social Rights: Barriers to Integration" funded by the National Human Rights Commission at El Colegio de México.

His research specializes in: International Migration, Processes of Integration of Migrant Populations, Transitions School Work and Education and Social Mobility. Among his most recent publications, the coordination of the book Jóvenes y Migración published by Gedisa in 2019 stands out; She is co-author of the article “The return on education gap between Hispanics and non-Hispanics whites” in the Papeles de Poblacion magazine published in 2019 and author of the article “Back and forth: Vulnerability and Exclusion of Migrants from the Labor Market in United States and Returnees in Mexico in a Changing Demographic and Migratory Context ”published in 2018 in the Geografares Magazine.

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